A place for information about Ms. Keenon's art classes and to view students' work.
A little about me: I am a working artist with gallery representation both here in Chicago and in L.A. I graduated from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in 2005 and received my Master's in Art Education from Columbia College in 2010. My focus is in getting to know my students so that they enjoy the art making process while incorporating art theory, history and criticism. Every project will be accompanied by a piece of writing, a historical context and some form of criticism.
Through the school year, I will be showcasing students' work on this site. I will also be posting pertinent information such as assignments, the syllabus and events as well as information on artists we discuss in class.
This is going to be a fantastic year!!!!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Contour Line Abstract Community Portraits
2. Trace the line in permanent black marker.
3. Cut out the subject (person). Subject should contain head, neck, shoulders and hair.
4. Cut the Subject into at least 7 geometric shapes.
5. Glue the 7 pieces into a random design on a 6"x6" piece of black or blue paper.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 two more times with each person and your photo ID picture.
7. Use markers to color one piece with warm colors.
8. Color one piece with cool colors.
9. The third piece is combined with warm and cools colors.
The Chicago Map Project
1. Trace Altgeld Gardens (at the very bottom of the map) and 2 other neighborhoods. You may trace or free-hand draw.
2. On a larger sheet of white paper, transfer each neighborhood shape at least 2 times (you should have at least 6 shapes). The shapes may overlap one another.
3. Color your new abstract Chicago map with any colors you wish. You must cover the entire sheet of white paper. You must also use 2 of these 4 techniques:
B. Blending:
C. Overlapping:
D. Layering:
Here is a map of Chicago (click to enlarge):

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Chicago Neighborhoods
1.) Go to the links I have provided; also, feel free to discover other websites pertaining to the neighborhoods you have picked.
2.) Find this information:
A. History
B. What it's like today
C. Demographics
D. Median income
E. Any other interesting information (at least 1 thing that makes neighborhood unique)
3.) Write a 5 paragraph narrative that includes the information you have collected and answers the question: what if Chicago only consisted of the 3 neighborhoods you are working with? BE CREATIVE!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Contour Line Portrait
- The student will gain awareness of how master artists have expanded upon the contour drawing.
- The student will develop a contour line drawing into a more complex visual statement.
- The student will become more aware of asymmetrical balance issues by creating a composition in which line is balanced against other elements (color, texture, pattern).
- Student will become better acquainted with peers.
Part I:
- Draw 10 contour line sketches: 2 bags, 2 shoes, 2 hands and 4 object of your choice
- Choose a partner and do a contour line portrait sketch of them
- On a large sheet of paper, draw another portrait of your chosen partner in pencil using contour line
- Make sure to include neck, shoulders and background
- Trace all lines in permanent, black Sharpie marker
- Color picture using warm and cool colors. If you color your partner in warm colors, color the background in all cool colors and vice versa.
Part II:
- Choose and copy 20 questions from the "100 Questions" handout
- Give the questions to the person you drew
- Everyone should have questions they wrote and questions they answer
Due Monday 10/11!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Color Theory Hand Exercise

Below is an in-depth color wheel - copy this in your sketchbook. All you need to know now are the primary colors, secondary colors, complimentary colors, warm and cool colors. Click on the image to get a more clear and concise viewing of the colorwheel.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Contrast Name Tags
Jerell Thomas, 3rd Period
Brandon Barnes, 1st period
Danielle Jenkins, 3rd period
Mizani Bailey, 3rd period